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D Упражнения. a) Why was the Titanic such a famous ship in its time?

1. Дайте ответы.

a) Why was the Titanic such a famous ship in its time? b) On what date did

the Titanic leave Southampton, and when and where did it sink? c) How long

did it take until the Titanic sank after it struck the iceberg? d) Why do you

think it struck an iceberg? e) How many people lost their lives? f) Why do

you think so few people survived? g) Why were people so deeply shocked by

the disaster? h) What about people's confidence in technology today? Is it as

great as in 1912 before the Titanic disaster? i) How do you feel about technology?

Do you have " boundless confidence" in it? j) Why do you think the captain

was running the ship at full speed in spite of warnings that there were icebergs

in the area? (set up a record) k) What ship was closest to the Titanic

when it was sinking? How close was it? 1) What would have happened if the

Californian had come to the Titanic's rescue? m) Which ship eventually picked

up the people in the lifeboats? n) Why do you think there have been so many

books and films about the Titanic? o) Why was it very difficult to find the

wreck of the Titanic? p) Is there anything else you know about the Titanic?



Have objects from the ship been brought up, has the wreck been raised, or have

any more questions about the sinking of the Titanic been answered? q) Many

people believed the Titanic had a " secret". Do you think so too?

2. Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную.

" The Titanic is unsinkable." (Many people believed...)

Many people believed (that) the Titanic was unsinkable.

a) " I'm sure God himself could not sink the Titanic." (A sailor told an anxious

passenger...) b) " Why did the Californian ignore the Titanic's distress

signals? " (After the disaster people- wanted to know...) c) " My ship was at

least 19 miles away from the Titanic." (The captain of the Californian claimed

...) d) " The Californian was actually less than ten miles away from the Titanic

when it was sinking." (When the wreck of the Titanic was found in 1985, it became

clear...) e) " The wreck is in excellent condition." (The scientists who

found the Titanic in 1985 said...) f) " It'll be possible to raise the wreck."

(After the Titanic had been found in 1985, adventurers hoped...)

3. Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную.

a) " We haven't seen the dog." (They said...) b) " It's impossible for a decent

man to become rich." (Raymond Chandler believed...) c) " I'm staying at the

Clinton Hotel." (Vivien told me...) d) " I'll give the cats their meal every

day." (Morna said...) e) " My name's Turner." (He said...) f) " I want to

enjoy myself before I join the rat race." (She wrote to me...) g) " I'm sure it

won't be too much trouble." (She said...) h) " Can we meet? " (I was wondering


4. Дополните предложения. To-Infinitive, -ш^-форма или предлог + -mg-форма?

a) As a child she was afraid (be) alone, b) Could you arrange (meet) us at the

airport? c) Our decision (buy) the house turned out (have) been a mistake,

d) She was determined (do) a better job the next time, e) I wouldn't dream

(say) such a thing, f) We expect (arrive) in the late afternoon, g) I'm glad

(hear) you're in such splendid form, h) I hate (admit) it, but you're better than

I am. i) We're looking forward (see) you in August, j) He loves (browse)

around in bookshops, k) You were lucky (not have) an accident. 1) How did

you manage (get) tickets? That theatre's been sold out for weeks, m) Hughes

was in an excellent position (shoot), but he hesitated, n) We've got very nice

neighbours. They're always ready (help), o) When are you going to start

(redecorate) the living room? p) It's very difficult to stop (smoke), q) His wife

is sure (know) where he is. r) What are you looking for? - I'm trying (find) a

present for Tony, s) Are you sure that would be the best way (help) him?

5. Одновременность или предшествование? Употребите соответствующую фор-

му инфинитива (-> 22С14, 18В2, 22С18).

I wouldn't like to live in Alaska. It must (be) very cold there.

I wouldn't like to live in Alaska. It must be very cold there.

It must (be) very cold the night the Titanic sank.

It must have been very cold the night the Titanic sank.


2 2 D

Bill's not at home. He seems (be) still on holiday.

Bill's not at home. He seems to be still on holiday.

Claire seems (have) an accident. She's in hospital.

Claire seems to have had an accident. She's in hospital.

a) They're such nice people. We're lucky (have) them as neighbours, b) At

first we didn't know who had taken the tickets, but later it turned out (be)

Mike, c) She's been in hospital for five weeks now. She must (be) very ill.

d) He's much better, though still very thin. He must (be) very ill. e) He must

(be) over 80 when I last saw him. f) Everybody's attention was on the

accident, so it must (be) easy to take the bag with the cameras out of the car.

g) You needn't (come) if you don't want to. h) When they finally arrived at

the station, they found that they needn't (hurry): the train was 45 minutes late,

i) Latecomers are more likely (get) " bumped" than those who check in early,

j) She thought she saw Brian in town today, but it can't (be) Brian because he's

in America at the moment, k) He's very depressed and doesn't want (see)

anyone. 1) Their luggage is gone - they seem (leave).

6. Вставьте some/somebody/someone/something или any /anybody /anyone /


a) After the war he spent time in France learning the language, b) Philip

Marlowe is a typical American hero: tough, honest, quick-witted, always ready

to risk his life for who suffers injustice, c) Did you do overtime this

month, Jack? d) John's on the phone. He's calling from New York. It's urgent,

e) There aren't hotels around here, f) I'm afraid I don't have....

size fives. But we're expecting more in next week, g) Why didn't you tell

me you were getting married? I thought you didn't have secrets from me.

h) Is there else I can do for you? i) I simply can't understand how

could do a thing like that, j) We've got about £ 10 left. Don't you think we

should buy at the duty-free shop? whisky perhaps? k) I'm afraid

we've got hardly money left. 1) Come in, Cathy, and make yourself at

home. Shall I make you coffee? m) Ask you like. They'll all tell you

the same, n) You can come time you like.

7. Переведите.

а) Титаник был самым

большим, самым комфорта-

бельным и, возможно, са-

мым быстроходным парохо-

дом своего времени. Ь) Он

затонул в Северной Атлан-

тике южнее Ньюфаундленда

15 апреля 1912 года, с) 10

апреля он вышел из Саут-

гемптона в свой первый

рейс, d) Он затонул в 2

часа 20 минут утра, через

два с половиной часа после

того, как столкнулся с айс-

бергом. е)Из более чем Titanic inquiry in London



2200 человек, находившихся на борту, спаслись только около 700. f) Мир

был шокирован - Титаник считали непотопляемым (Passive), g) После ги-

бели Титаника были заданы критические вопросы: Почему пароход шел так

быстро? Почему на борту были спасательные шлюпки только для половины

пассажиров? Почему спасательные шлюпки были заполнены только частич-

но? Почему " Калифорнией" не пришел на помощь Титанику невзирая на то,

что его экипаж видел сигналы бедствия с тонущего парохода? h) Через 73

года после катастрофы были найдены и сфотографированы останки велико-

лепного парохода, i) Искатели приключений говорили, что они могли бы

попытаться поднять Титаник, j) Другие говорили, что то, что осталось от

Титаника, должно стать памятником [memorial [mi'mo: ml]) и должно быть

оставлено в покое (leave alone).















S E f l





2 2 D


2 Another word for ocean floor.

4 A long trip by ship.

5 People travelling in a ship.

8 All the people working on a ship.

9 The second largest ocean.

10 A ship that has sunk.

12 Small boats on a ship's deck for use in

case of wreck, fire, etc.

15 The machines inside a ship that make it



1 The " master" of a ship.

3 The Atlantic is one of them.

4 Another word for ship.

6 The act of boarding a ship as a passenger.

7 The first voyage of a ship is called its


8 What the sea is like when there is no


11 Another word for passenger ship.

13 When you are on the ship, you are on

14 A large boat.


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