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Классификация соматической лексики по тематическим группам
Часть речи.
| Существ.
| Прилагат.
| Словосоч.
| К-во
| %
| Bones, Vertebrae
| Bridge, cheekbone, chest, coccyx, femur, forearm, humerus, jaw, pelvis, shank, shoulder, tarsus, temple, thigh, wrist, articulation, astragalus, atomy, bone, brainpan, chord, cranium, clavicle, collarbone, copula, cord, cubit, cuboid, fibula, gristle, hipbone, jawbone, joint, jowl, kneecap, knucklebone, knuckle, knuckle-joint, lacuna, ligament, metacarpus, metatarsus, patella, pericranium, phalanx, pubis, pit, promontory, quadrate, radius, rib, rotator, sacrum, scapula, skeleton, shinbone, sinciput, sinew, sinus, spine, sternum, surture, talus, tendon, tibia, ulna, vertebra, calyx.68
| carpal, cervical, femoral, humeral, iliac, lumbar, spinal, superciliary, temporal, articular, clavicular, intercostals, intermaxillary, jugular, precostal, radial, sacral, sagittal, scapular, sphenoid. 20
| Achilles tendon, funny bone, rib cage, shoulder blade, small of the back, spinal column, splint bone, spoke bone, thigh bone, Adam’s apple.10
| Brains
| Brain, cerebellum, cerebrum, cortex, convolution, groove, hemisphere, hypophysis, medulla, sheath, vertex, arachnoid, involucre. 13
| Cephalic, cerebral, encephalic, medullary, medial. 5
| Cerebral hemispheres, pia mater.2
| Digestive system
| Abdomen, bowel, colon, chile, cellular, epigastrium, gall, gullet, gut, interstine, jejunum, liver, mesentery, oesophagus, pancreas, papilla, paunch, peritoneum, plica, pylorus, process, protuberance, rectum, rennet, rictus, sphincter, spleen, stomach, tract, venter, ventrical, viscera, bile. 33
| enteric, excretive, epigastric, gastric, intestinal, peritoneal, rectal, stomachic, jaundiced, hepatic.10
| bile duck, blind gut, digestive tract, gall bladder, large intestine, small intestine, vermiform appendix.7
| Eye
| Apple, eyeball, eyetooth, orbit, cornea, conjunctiva, crystalline, iris, lens, pupil, retina, sclera, tear-duct, vitreous.14
| corneal, intraocular, lachrymal.3
| blind spot, yellow spot. 2
| Ear
| Lappet, anvil, auricle, cochlea, concha, drum, eardrum, hammer, ossicle, pinna, stirrup, syrinx, tympanic, tympanum, uricle.15
| otic, auditory. 2
| external ear, middle ear, tympanic membrane, lobe of the ear.4
| Glands
| gland, mamma, mammilla, parathyroid, parotid, thyroid, hormone, sweat.8
| Ductless, pineal, secretory, sudorilferous.4
| ductless glands, lachrymal gland, sebaceous glands, sweet gland. 4
| Nervous System
| Ganglion, neuron, fibril, island.4
| auditory, distal, dorsal, excretive, sciatic.5
| |
| Tooth
| Bicuspid, bucktooth, gum, cheek-tooth, corona, crown, cuspid, incisor, molar, pulp.10
| | calf’s teeth, canine tooth, premolar and molar teeth. 4
| Blood Cells Veins and Arteries
(blood circulatory system)
| aorta, arteriole, artery, capillary, carotid, glomerulus, heart,, media, median, mediastinum, pericardium, vein, vena, blood, cell, cellular, chile, epidermis, epithelium, canal. 20
| coronal, cardiac, deferent, excretive, hepatic, iliac, intravenous, jugular, parietal, vascular, venous, bleeding, haemal, haematic.14
| blood vessel, carotid artery, facial artery, mitral valve, portal vein, semicircular canals, solar plexus, blood stream. 8
| Respiratory system
| air-cell, alveolus, epiglottis, fauces, glottis, larynx, lung, membrane, midriff, pharynx, teethridge, thorax, throat, trachea, uvula, velum. 16
| glottal, glottic, pulmonary. 3
| lobe of the lung, wind pipe. 2
| Muscular system
| brawn, breech, buttocks, calf, muscle, nates, abductor, adductor, biceps, buccinator, constrictor, contractor, diaphragm, erector, extensor, motor, retractor, triceps, depressor, fascia.20
| muscular, digastric, phrenic, peritoneal, retractive, ventral. 6
| |
| Urogenital system
| clitoris, genital, gonad, groin, penis, pudendum, vulva, bladder, cervix, cyst, foramen, foreskin, hymen, kidney, matrix, ovary, oviduct, placenta, pleura, prepuce, prostate, scrotum, testicle, ureter, urethra, uterus, vagina, womb, follicle.29
| genital, intrauterine, vaginal, tubal.4
| |
| Common parts of the body
| ankle, arm, armpit, axilla, back, belly-button, body, bosom, buff, bust, buttocks, chest, cuticle, dermis, dimple, elbow, femur, figure, finger, fingernail, first, flesh, foot, forearm, gam, girdle, hand, heel, hip, humpback, knee, lap, lappet, leg, limb, loins, maw, muscle, nail, nates, navel, neck, nipple, occiput, palm, pelvis, physique, scalp, scarfskin, shank, shape, shoulder, skin, sole, thigh, thumb, thumbnail, tiptoe, toe, trunk, umbilicus, underarm, waist, wrist.64
| Axillary, carpal, cervical, femoral, humeral, lumbar, palmar, spinal, tergal, umbilical.10
| birth mark, calf knee, crook of the arm, flank side, upper arm.5
| head
| beard, bristle, brow, cheek, chin, cilia, ear, eye, eyebrow, face, forehead, front, hair, head, jaw, lid, lip, lock, mouth, nob, noddle, nose, pate, physiognomy, tongue, tooth, temple.27
| capitated, cephalic, frontal, glossal, hairy, hairless, labial, mental, oscular, otic, palantine, temporal.12
| crow’s foot, lobe of the ear. 2
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