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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Классификация соматической лексики по тематическим группам

Часть речи. Область. Существ. Прилагат. Словосоч. К-во %
Bones, Vertebrae Bridge, cheekbone, chest, coccyx, femur, forearm, humerus, jaw, pelvis, shank, shoulder, tarsus, temple, thigh, wrist, articulation, astragalus, atomy, bone, brainpan, chord, cranium, clavicle, collarbone, copula, cord, cubit, cuboid, fibula, gristle, hipbone, jawbone, joint, jowl, kneecap, knucklebone, knuckle, knuckle-joint, lacuna, ligament, metacarpus, metatarsus, patella, pericranium, phalanx, pubis, pit, promontory, quadrate, radius, rib, rotator, sacrum, scapula, skeleton, shinbone, sinciput, sinew, sinus, spine, sternum, surture, talus, tendon, tibia, ulna, vertebra, calyx.68 carpal, cervical, femoral, humeral, iliac, lumbar, spinal, superciliary, temporal, articular, clavicular, intercostals, intermaxillary, jugular, precostal, radial, sacral, sagittal, scapular, sphenoid. 20 Achilles tendon, funny bone, rib cage, shoulder blade, small of the back, spinal column, splint bone, spoke bone, thigh bone, Adam’s apple.10    
Brains Brain, cerebellum, cerebrum, cortex, convolution, groove, hemisphere, hypophysis, medulla, sheath, vertex, arachnoid, involucre. 13 Cephalic, cerebral, encephalic, medullary, medial. 5 Cerebral hemispheres, pia mater.2    
Digestive system Abdomen, bowel, colon, chile, cellular, epigastrium, gall, gullet, gut, interstine, jejunum, liver, mesentery, oesophagus, pancreas, papilla, paunch, peritoneum, plica, pylorus, process, protuberance, rectum, rennet, rictus, sphincter, spleen, stomach, tract, venter, ventrical, viscera, bile. 33 enteric, excretive, epigastric, gastric, intestinal, peritoneal, rectal, stomachic, jaundiced, hepatic.10 bile duck, blind gut, digestive tract, gall bladder, large intestine, small intestine, vermiform appendix.7    
Eye Apple, eyeball, eyetooth, orbit, cornea, conjunctiva, crystalline, iris, lens, pupil, retina, sclera, tear-duct, vitreous.14 corneal, intraocular, lachrymal.3 blind spot, yellow spot. 2    
Ear Lappet, anvil, auricle, cochlea, concha, drum, eardrum, hammer, ossicle, pinna, stirrup, syrinx, tympanic, tympanum, uricle.15 otic, auditory. 2 external ear, middle ear, tympanic membrane, lobe of the ear.4    
Glands gland, mamma, mammilla, parathyroid, parotid, thyroid, hormone, sweat.8 Ductless, pineal, secretory, sudorilferous.4 ductless glands, lachrymal gland, sebaceous glands, sweet gland. 4    
Nervous System Ganglion, neuron, fibril, island.4 auditory, distal, dorsal, excretive, sciatic.5      
Tooth Bicuspid, bucktooth, gum, cheek-tooth, corona, crown, cuspid, incisor, molar, pulp.10   calf’s teeth, canine tooth, premolar and molar teeth. 4    
Blood Cells Veins and Arteries Heart (blood circulatory system) aorta, arteriole, artery, capillary, carotid, glomerulus, heart,, media, median, mediastinum, pericardium, vein, vena, blood, cell, cellular, chile, epidermis, epithelium, canal. 20 coronal, cardiac, deferent, excretive, hepatic, iliac, intravenous, jugular, parietal, vascular, venous, bleeding, haemal, haematic.14 blood vessel, carotid artery, facial artery, mitral valve, portal vein, semicircular canals, solar plexus, blood stream. 8    
Respiratory system air-cell, alveolus, epiglottis, fauces, glottis, larynx, lung, membrane, midriff, pharynx, teethridge, thorax, throat, trachea, uvula, velum. 16 glottal, glottic, pulmonary. 3 lobe of the lung, wind pipe. 2    
Muscular system brawn, breech, buttocks, calf, muscle, nates, abductor, adductor, biceps, buccinator, constrictor, contractor, diaphragm, erector, extensor, motor, retractor, triceps, depressor, fascia.20 muscular, digastric, phrenic, peritoneal, retractive, ventral. 6      
Urogenital system clitoris, genital, gonad, groin, penis, pudendum, vulva, bladder, cervix, cyst, foramen, foreskin, hymen, kidney, matrix, ovary, oviduct, placenta, pleura, prepuce, prostate, scrotum, testicle, ureter, urethra, uterus, vagina, womb, follicle.29 genital, intrauterine, vaginal, tubal.4      
Common parts of the body ankle, arm, armpit, axilla, back, belly-button, body, bosom, buff, bust, buttocks, chest, cuticle, dermis, dimple, elbow, femur, figure, finger, fingernail, first, flesh, foot, forearm, gam, girdle, hand, heel, hip, humpback, knee, lap, lappet, leg, limb, loins, maw, muscle, nail, nates, navel, neck, nipple, occiput, palm, pelvis, physique, scalp, scarfskin, shank, shape, shoulder, skin, sole, thigh, thumb, thumbnail, tiptoe, toe, trunk, umbilicus, underarm, waist, wrist.64 Axillary, carpal, cervical, femoral, humeral, lumbar, palmar, spinal, tergal, umbilical.10 birth mark, calf knee, crook of the arm, flank side, upper arm.5    
head face beard, bristle, brow, cheek, chin, cilia, ear, eye, eyebrow, face, forehead, front, hair, head, jaw, lid, lip, lock, mouth, nob, noddle, nose, pate, physiognomy, tongue, tooth, temple.27 capitated, cephalic, frontal, glossal, hairy, hairless, labial, mental, oscular, otic, palantine, temporal.12 crow’s foot, lobe of the ear. 2    

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