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a man, typically a celebrity, whose good looks excite romantic feelings in women. (online OED)


informal, dated an inconsiderate or untrustworthy man:

what kind of a heel do you think I am? (online OED)


[mass noun] informal talk or gossip, especially when lengthy or tedious:

committee work is just endless jaw (online OED)

jawbreaker – a word that is very long or hard to pronounce. (nod)

jaw-dropping – amazing.(nod)

jaw-jaw - taking, especially lengthy and pointless discussion.(nod)


informal an establishment of a specified kind, especially one where people meet for eating, drinking, or entertainment: (online OED)


(legs) informal (with reference to a ball, especially in golf) sufficient momentum to reach the desired point.

(legs) informal (with reference to a product or idea) sustained popularity or success:

some books have legs, others don't

(leg it) British informal travel by foot; walk.

run away:

he legged it after someone shouted at him (online OED)


informal a hat or crash helmet. (online OED)


[mass noun] informal insolent or impertinent talk:

don't give me any of your lip! (online OED)

lip – impudent talk (nod)


(usually lugs) Scottish & Northern English or informal a person's ear.

informal, chiefly North American a loutish man. (online OED)

lung –the open spaces in a town or city, where its habitants can get fresh air. (nod)


informal the mouth or gullet of a greedy person. (online OED)

mental –insane, crazy. (nod)


informal talkativeness or impudence:

you‘ve got more mouth on you than any woman I’ve ever known(online OED)

mouthpiece – a person or organization who speaks on behalf of another person or organization.

-N. Amer. a lawyer.(nod)

Mouthy – inclined to talk a lot, especially in a cheeky way (nod)

Muscle – a man or men exhibiting such power or strength.

-N. Amer. –move in a particular direction by using one’s physical strength.

-N. Amer. coerce by violence or by economic or political pressure.(nod)

Muscular –vigorously robust.(nod)


informal detect or catch (someone, especially a suspected criminal):

have you nailed the killer?

informal (of a player) strike (a ball) forcefully and successfully:

she was stretched to the limit and failed to nail the smash(online OED)

-US slang/ have sexual intercourse with. (nod)

Navel –the central point of a place (nod)



[no object] informal (of two people) kiss and caress amorously:

we started necking on the sofa

[with object] British informal swallow (something, especially a drink):

after necking some beers, we left the bar (online OED)


verb (ribs, ribbing, ribbed)

informal tease good-naturedly:

the first time I appeared in the outfit I was ribbed mercilessly (online OED)

scalp - used with reference to the defeat of an opponent.

- N.Amer. a person who resells shares or tickets at large or quick profit.(nod)



[with object]

informal punish severely:

if I ever heard anybody doing that I'd scalp them

North American informal resell (shares or tickets) at a large or quick profit.(online OED)

Shoulder – this part of the body regarded as bearing responsibility or hardship or providing strength.

-take on (a burden or responsibility) (nod)


informal a cigarette paper.

British informal a skinhead.

(usually skins) informal (especially in jazz) a drum or drum head.

[as modifier] informal relating to or denoting pornographic literature or films:

the skin trade

verb (skins, skinning, skinned)

[with object]

informal take money from or swindle (someone).

Soccer, informal (of a player) take the ball past (a defender) with ease.(online OED)

Skin - a dollar bill

-someone with a shaved or bald head

-to cheat or overcharge someone

- a rolling paper used for tobacco and marijuana cigarettes

- to skin either by accident or on purpose(amer. slang)

Neck –a person’s neck regarded as bearing a burden of responsibility or guilt for something.


Nose – an instinctive talent for detecting something.

-a police informer.(nod)

Spine – a thing’s central feature or main source of strength.

tooth – genuine force or effectiveness.(nod)

umbilical – extremely close, inseparable.(nod)

Underbelly – an area vulnerable to attact (nod)

Vein –a source of a specified quality or other abstract resource.

Arm - a police officer(amer. slang)

Armpit – any undesirable place (a nickname for undesirable town or city) (amer. Slang)

Arm-twister –someone who uses strong persuasion (amer. Slang)

Arm-twisting –powerful persuasion.(amer. Slang)

Backbone –courage, integrity. (amer. Slang)

Beanhead –an oaf.

-a drug user who uses pills habitually. (amer. Slang)

Bellies - pork bellies, pork belly futures. (amer. slang)

Bellyache -stomachache. (amer slang)

Bellyful - more then enough more then one needs(amer. Slang)

Bighead – a headache and other ill effects from drinking (amer. Slang)

Bigheaded – conceited

-having a hang-over (amer. Slang)

Blisterfoot –someone who walks a lot, a police patrol officer, a soldier

Blockhead – a stupid person. (amer. Slang)

Blood – catsup (somebody pass the blood)

-see blood (brother) – a fellow black male. (amer. Slang)

Blue-eyed –innocent. (amer. Slang)

Body-packer – a person who swallows packets of drugs in order to smuggle then into the country. (amer. Slang)

Bone – a thrombone.(amer. Slang)

Bonehead – a stupid or stubborn person

Boneheaded –stupid, stubborn. (amer. Slang)

Brain –a good student, a very intelligent

-to hit someone (in the head) (amer. Slang)

Brain-bumed (brain-fried) – damaged from drugs.(amer. Slang)

Brain-burners – injected amphetamines probably methamphetamine. (amer. Slang)

Brainchild – someone’s good idea viewed as an offspring of the brain.

- a person who has good ideas (amer.slang)

brain-drain - the movement of intellectuals from one country to another where the pay and job opportunities are better.(amer. Slang)

Brains - the person(s) in charge of thinking something through. (amer. Slang)

Brain-twister (brain-teaser) – a puzzle. (amer.slang)

Brown-nose – a sycophant one who flatters for self-serving.

-(verb) in to carry favor with someone, to be sycophant (amer. Slang)

Bubblehead – a fool, a giddy person. (amer. Slang)

Budhead –a bear drinker

Butterfingers – someone who can not hold on to things (amer. Slang)

Cabbagehead – a fool, a stupid person. (amer. Slang)

c-head – a cocaine user (cubehead)

-an L.S.D user who takes L.S.D on sugar cubes.(amer. Slang)

Cheesehead - a stupid-acting person. (amer. Slang)

Chicken-hearted – cowardly(amer. Slang)

Cluckhead – a stupid oaf (amer. Slang)

Cockeyed – (mod) crazy (amer. Slang)

Cokehead –a heavy cocaine user, a cocaine addict. (amer. Slang)

Conehead –a fool, an oaf

-an intellectual, a pointy head.(amer. Slang)

Cross-eyed - alcohol intoxicated (amer. Slang)

Cubehead - an L.S.D user who prefers to take the drug on a sugar cube. (Amer. Slang)

Deadhead – a stupid person.

(verb) to return an empty truck, train, airplane, to where it came from (amer. Slang)

Deadneck – a stupid person (amer. Slang)

Diphead – an oaf (amer. Slang)

Drughead – a heavy drug user, an addict. (amer. Slang)

Eagle-eye – a busybody, a person who watches or monitors other people’s actions: a floorwalker, a detective, a hall-monitor.

-an eye or eyes with very keen vision (amer. Slang)

Ear-duster – a gossipy person (amer. Slang)

Earful – a tremendous amount of gossips. (amer. Slang)

Elbow-bending – drinking liquor, drinking liquor to excess (amer. Slang)

Eyeball – (verb) to look hard at someone or something (amer. Slang)

Eyeful –the sight of something that one was not meant to see. (amer. Slang)

Eye-opener – a real surprise

-a wake-up drinking liquor, a strong drink any time

- the first narcotics injection of the day. (amer. Slang)

Eye-popper – a very good-looking woman or girl (amer. slang)

eyewash –noncence, deception


Faced – alcohol intoxicated

-rejected by a member of the opposite sex (amer. Slang)

Face-off – a confrontation (amer. Slang)

Fathead – a stupid person, someone who has fat where brains ought to be. (amer. Slang)

Finger – (verb) to point someone out, to identify someone (as having done something, been somewhere)

- (n) someone who identifies criminals for the police, a police informer.

- an amount of liquor poured into a glass equal to the width of a finger

- Mediterranean hashish in stick form

Flapjaw - a talkative person

-chatter, gossip (amer. Slang)

Flatfoot - a police officer, especially a foot-patrol officer (amer. Slang)

Flathead –a stupid person

Fuzz-face – a man with a beard.

Garbagehead – an addict who will take any drug.(amer. Slang)

Ginhead – drunkard (amer. Slang)

Glad –hander –someone who displays effusive friendship (amer. Slang)

Glassy-eyed –(glass-eyed) – (mod) alcohol or drug intoxicated (amer.slang)

Goggle-eyed (googly-eyed) – (mod) alcohol intoxicated and staring (amer.slang)

Goobrains – a fool, a stupid person (amer.slang)

Grasshead –a marijuana smoke (amer.slang)

Groove – something pleasant or cool (amer.slang)

Gut - the belly, the intestines

-mod. Basic, fundamental

-mod. Easy

-n. an easy course in school. (amer. Slang)

Guts - courage, bravado

- the belly, the intestines

- the inner workings of anything

- the essence of smth.(amer. Slang)

Hairy –mod. hazardous, difficult (amer. Slang) (online OED)

Hardhead - a stubborn person.

Hardheaded – mod. stubborn (amer. Slang)

Hard-nosed –mod. stern and businesslike, unsympathetic. (amer. Slang)

Hash-head – a smoker of cannabis. (amer. Slang)



-a toilet, a restroom

- a member of the drug culture, a hippie or a person who drops out of mainstream society because of drug use.

Headhunter – someone who recruits executives for employment.(amer. Slang)

Heart –an amphetamine tablet, especially a heart-shaped tablet

-to love someone or something. (amer. Slang)

Heel - alone and despicable man.

Heeled - mod. alcohol intoxicated

-mod. carrying drugs. (amer. Slang)

Hip – mod. informed, aware.

-to tell someone, to inform someone (amer. Slang)

Hophead – an alcoholic or a drunkard

- a drug user, someone under the effects of drugs. (amer. Slang)

hopheaded – addicted to drugs. (amer. Slang)

jaw – a chat

- to chat (amer. Slang)

jawbone – to try to persuade someone verbally, to apply verbal pressure to someone (amer, slang)

joint – a tavern, a speakeasy

- a low-class establishment

- a tobacco cigarette

- a penis

- equipment for preparing and injecting drugs

- a concesled collection of drugs equipment

- a jail, a prison (amer. Slang)


jughead - a stupid person

- a drunkard (amer. Slang)

juicehead – a heavy drinker, a drunkard (amer. Slang)

knee-jerk – mod. automatic, quick and without thought (amer. Slang)

lardhead – a stupid person

-mod. foolish (amer. Slang)

Lazybones –a lazy person (amer. Slang)

Lowbrow – a nonintellectual person, an anti-intellectual person

-mod. nonintellectual, anti-intellectual (amer. Slang)

Lughead – a stupid person. (amer. Slang)

Lip – to kiss someone intimately

-a lawyer

- back talk, impudent talk (amer. Slang)

Maw – to kiss and pet, to smooch (amer. Slang)

Meathead – a stupid oaf

Meatheaded –mod. stupid, simplemineded (amer. Slang)

Mouth – a hangover.

-lawyer specializing in criminal cases(amer. Slang)

Mouthful - true statement

-triade (amer. Slang)

Mouthwash – liquor, a drink of liquor (amer. Slang)

Mugglehead – marijuana smoker.(amer. Slang)

Muscle - to inject a drug into a muscle rather than into the skin or a vein. (amer. Slang)

Musclehead –a stupid man, a man who has muscle where there should be brains.

Muscleman – a srong bully, a goon.

Mushhead - a stupid person

Mushmouth –a person who doesn’t or cannot speak clearly.

Nail – to arrest someone

- cigarette

- a drink or liquor

- to identify someone

neck – to cuddle and kiss

nose – no powdered drugs that are inhailed, primarily cocaine, sometimes heroin.(amer. Slang)

numbhead (numb skull)- a stupid person. (amer/ slang)

oilhead –a drunkard, an alcoholic.

Peg-leg – a rude nickname for someone with wooden peg for a leg.

Palm – to conceal something in the hand as in a theft or the performans of a magic trick, to receive and conceal a tip or a bribe.

Palm-oid - a bribe, a trip

Palm-presser – polititian

Pighead - someone who is both stupid and stubborn.

Pigheaded - stupidly stubborn

Pillhead – a drug user who prefers drugs in pill or capsule form.

Pinhead – a very stupid person

- a user of injected drugs. (Amer.slang)

pinkeye – inferior whiskey

- denatured alcohol, cheap red wine.

Poophead – a person who acts very stupidily

Poor-mouth – to speak ill of someone

- to speak repeatedly of how little money one has, to plead poverty.

Pop-eyed –alcohol intoxicated, with bulging eyes.

Potatohead – a stupid person.

Pothead – a drunkard

- marijuana smoker.

Rachet-mouth (motor-mouth) –someone who talks inssantly.

Rattlebones –nickname for a very skinny person.

Rattlebrain –a stupid person.

Rib – a joke, an act of teasing.

- to tease someone.

Rockhead –someone who seems to have rocks in the head, a hardheaded or stubborn person.

Rubberneck – one who stares at something or someone, a tourist

- to stare

sawbones - a doctor.

Shut-eye - n. sleep.

Skinful - an intoxicating quantity of liquor, enough liquor.

Skinny – a marijuana

-inside information

Skin(pop) – an injection of a drug, usually heroin, into the flesh rather than into a vein

- to inject drugs intramuscularly.

Smackhead – a heroin addict.

Smurfbrain – a simpleminded person.

Soft-hearted – mod. tender-hearted, sympathetic.

Sorehead –a grumpy person

-a poor loser. (amer. Slang)

Stomach – to tolerate someone or something.

Strong-arm – to force someone

-mod. forceful, by physical force.

Swellhead –a conceited person.

Thickheaded – mod. stupid, with more bone than brain in the head.

Thin-skinned – sensitive to criticism.

Throat –an earnest student, a ‘cut throat’ student.

Tongue –tied – mod. unable to speak from fear of confusion.

-mod. alcohol intoxicated

Toothhead – a cocaine user.

Weedhead –smoker of marijuana

Yellow – belly – a coward. (amer. Slang)

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