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Список соматических метафор английского языка

Anal – retentive (he is anal about things like that) NOD

Ankle –inf. chiefly US - to walk (NOD)


US informal a person who carries out a transaction, typically a bet, for someone else in order to conceal the other's identity

North American informal a woman who accompanies a homosexual man as an escort to a social occasion, in order to help conceal his homosexuality (online OED)



[attributive] British informal

used for emphasis, or to express annoyance:

the watch was a bleeding copy

[as submodifier]:

she looks so bleeding bored all day (online OED)



British informal, dated an annoying person:

the child is a disgusting little blister (online OED)


US informal a fellow black person (online OED)

Blood –a fellow black person. (NOD)

Body – a person’s body regarded as an object of sexual desire.

- a person, typically one of a specified type of character (NOD)



[no object] (bone up on) informal study (a subject) intensively, typically in preparation for something:

she boned up on languages she had learned long ago (online OED)


informal an electronic device with functions comparable to those of the human brain.

(the brains) informal a clever person who supplies the ideas and plans for a group of people:

Tom was the brains of the outfit

Verb to brain

[with object] informal

hit (someone) hard on the head with an object: (online OED)




-a heart attack. (online OED)

cardiac – a person with heart disease (NOD)



[with object] British informal

speak impertinently to:

Frankie always got away with cheeking his elders (online OED)

Cheek – either of the buttocks. (NOD)



[with object]

informal hit or punch (someone) on the chin.(online OED)

earful – a loud blast of noise. (NOD)

Elbow – to get rid of or disregard (a person or idea) in cursory and dismissive way.(NOD)

Eye – a loop at the end of a rope, especially one at the top end of a shroud or stay.(nautical)

-the extreme forward part of a ship. (nautical)

- used to refer to someone’s opinion, point of view.(nod)

Eye-opener –an event on situation that proves to be unexpectedly enlightening.

-Amer. An alcoholic drink taker early in the day. (nod)

Eye-popping – astonishing large, impressive or blatant.(nod)

Eyewash – insincere talk, nonsense.(nod)

Facer – Br – a blow to the face. (nod)

Finger –N. Amer. Inform on (someone) to the police. (nod)

Foot – a person’s manner or speed of walking or running.(nod)

Gut – personal courage and determination, toughness of character.

-a feeling or relation based on.


informal a fat stomach.(online OED)

hand – a round applause

-a pledge of marriage by a woman.

Hand – v. to make abusive, untrue, or otherwise objectionable remarks to someone.

- to make something very easily obtainable for (someone)


informal a headache, especially one resulting from intoxication. (online OED)

headbanger – a fan or performer of heavy metal music

-a mad or eccentric person.(nod)

Header –headlong fall or dive. (nod)

Heartbeat – a person or thing providing or representing an animating or vital unifying force. (nod)

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