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Расположите высказывания в правильном порядке. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 10 из 10
В: Certainly, I’ll get one round this afternoon. () А: That would be great. () А: Look, the reason 1 called was we're having installation problems with Е 137(). В: Really? That surprises me. What sort оf problems? () А: Well, it's а bit complicated. Can you send а technician round? () В: This is Gerald Jones. My secretary said you called. () А Вуе. () В: Good, I'm sure we'll sort it out in по time. Bye. () А: Alan Phillips speaking. () -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- В: I’m from Delta. 1 want to speak to Mrs. Foster? () С: That suits me too. Shall we say here at 3 р.m.? () В: Fine. As you may remember, we've got to discuss something. I’m just calling to see if we could fix а meeting for next week. () С Dyane Foster speaking. () В: Hello Dyane. This is Peter Reynolds. () А: Сап 1 help you? () С: Yes, of course. Just а moment, I’ll get my diary... Could you manage Monday? () В: I'm sorry. I'm off' all day on Monday. I’m available any dау except Monday. () С: Good,! look forward to seeing you. Bye. () А: Just а moment, Mr. Reynolds, I'm putting you through. () С: Oh hello, Peter. How are you? () С: What about Tuesday then? () В: Yes, Tuesday in the afternoon would suit me fine. () В: Yes, that's probably easiest. () В: Вуе. ()
Контрольная работа для студентов заочного отделения по курсу «Деловая переписка и общение на английском языке»
I Поставьте реквизиты письма в нужном порядке и письменно переведите письмо на русский язык:
96 Rosewall Drive, South town, S0348T Tel.: 0927-423845. Telex: 69364 5. Further to our letter of 5 November, we write to advise you of the results of the market research. The finding of the report, a copy of which we enclose herewith, are favourable and clearly indicate the requirement in your product. As to your request regarding further discounts, we regret, that at present we are unable to offer you more favourable terms. 6. Subject: results of the market research 7. 14 November 2009 8. c.c. A Henle, Sales Manager 9. Yours faithfully 10. Alice Everett Marketing Manager 11. Softchain Ltd. Foss house Brigham Street Liverpool L13AT
II Прочтите письмо и ответьте на вопросы:
Dear Sirs, While I was in London two weeks ago I visited an exhibition of electronic equipment and was most impressed with the computers demonstrated on your stand. I am enclosing a list showing the items I require, and should be glad to receive your quotation as soon as possible. Full information regarding export prices, terms of payment, earliest delivery date, and discounts for regular purchases would be appreciated. My company is interested in the latest model of your computer and if you have other products I should be glad to receive details. Yours faithfully 1. What kind of letter is this? 2. Is this letter from the Buyer or from the Seller? 3. What information would be appreciated? 4. What goods is the company interested in?
III Заполните пропуски соответствующими словами, переписав письмо:
1. list 2. receipt 3. letter 4. pleased 5. forward 6. cataloque 7. Dear 8. receiving
____Mr. Bones, Thank you for your ________ regarding “Speedy Spare Parts”. We shall be _____ to send you our new ________ and price ________. Please acknowledge _____ of our parcel. We look ____ to _____ an order from you.
IV Найдите соответствие в колонках А и В.
V Переведите телефонный диалог на русский язык
Jane Brown: Hello, I`d like to speak to John Whiman Secretary: I`ll see if he`s here… I`m afraid that he`s out of the office at the moment. Can I take a message? Jane Brown: Yes, please, could you tell him that Jane Brown rang. We met at the trade fair in Hanover. He asked me to ring when I was in Paris. When will he be back? Secretary: Not until tomorrow, I`m afraid. Jane Brown: Could you ask him to call me back? Secretary: Yes, certainly Jane Brown: Thank you very much. Good bye. Secretary: Thank you for calling. Good bye.
VI Поставьте фразы в нужном порядке, чтобы получить связные диалоги: А) · I am sorry, but Mr. Smith isn`t available · You could try ringing this afternoon · Hello, my name is Edward Green. I would like to speak to Mr. Smith, please. · When is a good time to call? · Thank you. Good bye. B) · Really, what sort of problems? · I am calling about the GT/12A contract. · You haven`t delivered the spare parts. · Oh yes, how is it coming along? · Oh no. I`ll have to look into it and get in touch with you at once. · Well, we`ve got some problems. C) · The 16th June for two nights. · Bell`s Hotel, how can I help you? · Certainly, sir. What date? · I would like to reserve a single room with bath in the name of Smith. · I`m very sorry, but we`re fully booked on these dates.
Данное пособие предназначено для студентов заочной формы обучения и представляет собой методические рекомендации по написанию контрольных работ. Пособие помогает освоить деловой английский язык. Пособие ставит своей целью расширение словарной базы и развитие навыков письменного перевода и одна из главных его целей – помочь правильно и эффективно вести деловую переписку и деловые переговоры, умение работать со словарем, ознакомление с языком телефонных переговоров. Пособие охватывает следующие темы:
Материалом послужили оригинальные деловые письма, подобранные из американских, английских и других источников, переработанные коллективом кафедры английского языка.
Требования к написанию контрольных работ
К зачету допускаются студенты, выполнившие контрольную работу, предусмотренную графиком, а также тексты и упражнения, предусмотренные тематическом планом. Для сдачи итогового зачета студент должен уметь: а) прочитать и перевести деловое письмо, и б) ответить на поставленные вопросы.
Перечень рекомендуемых учебников и учебных пособий
1. С.А. Шевелева, М.В. Скворцова. Английский язык для бизнесменов (ускоренный курс). – М. Профиздат, 1990 2. Г.А. Дудкина, М.В. Павлова, З.Г. Рей, А.Т. Хвальнова. Учебник английского языка для делового общения. – М. Аверс, 1991 и более поздние издания.