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Prefixes change the meaning of the word, and suffixes usually change the part of speech of the word.
| meaning
| examples
| re-
| again or back
| restructure, revisit, reappear, rebuild, refinance
| dis-
| reverses the meaning of the verb
| disappear, disallow, disarm, disconnect, discontinue
| over-
| too much
| overbook, oversleep, overwork
| un-
| reverses the meaning of the verb
| unbend, uncouple, unfasten
| mis-
| badly or wrongly
| mislead, misinform, misidentify
| out-
| more or better than others
| outperform, outbid
| be-
| make or cause
| befriend, belittle
| co-
| together
| co-exist, co-operate, co-own
| de-
| do the opposite of
| devalue, deselect
| inter-
| between
| interact, intermix, interface
| pre-
| before
| pre-expose, prejudge, pretest
| sub-
| under/below
| subcontract, subdivide
| trans-
| across, over
| transform, transcribe, transplant
| under-
| not enough
| underfund, undersell, undervalue, underdevelop
Suffixes used to form verbs with the meaning “cause to be”:
| example
| -ise
| stabilise, characterise, symbolise, visualise, specialise
| -ate
| differentiate, liquidate, pollinate, duplicate, fabricate
| -fy
| classify, exemplify, simplify, justify
| -en
| awaken, fasten, shorten, moisten
| meaning
| examples
| anti-
| against
| anticlimax, antidote, antithesis
| co-
| joint
| co-founder, co-owner, co-descendant
| dis-
| the converse of
| discomfort, dislike
| ex-
| former
| ex-chairman, ex-hunter
| In-
| the converse of
| inattention, incoherence, incompatibility
| In-
| inside
| inpatient,
| inter-
| between
| interaction, inter-change, interference
| mal-
| bad
| malfunction, maltreatment, malnutrition
| mega-
| million
| megabyte
| mis-
| wrong
| misconduct, misdeed, mismanagement
| mini-
| small
| mini-publication, mini-theory
| mono-
| one
| monosyllable, monograph, monogamy
| neo-
| new
| neo-colonialism, neo-impressionism
| out-
| separate
| outbuilding,
| poly-
| many
| polysyllable
| pseudo-
| false
| pseudo-expert
| re-
| again
| re-organisation, re-assessment, re-examination
| semi-
| half
| semicircle, semi-darkness
| sub-
| below
| subset, subdivision
| super-
| more than, above
| superset, superimposition, superpowers
| under-
| below, too little
| underpayment, under-development, undergraduate
Suffix added to a verb (V), noun (N) or adjective (A) noun:
| meaning
| examples
| | -tion -sion
| action/instance of V-ing
| alteration, demonstration expansion, inclusion, admission
| | -er
| person who V-s
something used for V-ing
| advertiser, driver computer, silencer
| | -ment
| action/instance of V-ing
| development, punishment, unemployment
| | -ant -ent
| person who V-s
| assistant, consultant, student
| | -age
| action/result of V
| breakage, wastage, package
| | -al
| action/result of V
| denial, proposal, refusal, dismissal
| | -ence -ance
| action/result of V
| preference, dependence, interference attendance, acceptance, endurance
| | -ery/-ry
| action/instance of V-ing place of V-ing
| bribery, robbery, misery, refinery, bakery
| | -er
| person concerned with N
| astronomer, geographer
| -ism
| doctrine of N
| Marxism, Maoism, Thatcherism
| -ship
| state of being N
| friendship, citizenship, leadership
| -age
| collection of N
| baggage, plumage
| -ity
| state or quality of being A
| ability, similarity, responsibility, curiosity
| | -ness
| state or quality of being A
| darkness, preparedness, consciousness
| | -cy
| state or quality of being A
| urgency, efficiency, frequency
| | | | | | | | |