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The English judicial system
1. At the present time the English judicial system is basically pyramidal in organization. 2. At the top of the pyramid is the appellate tribunal, the House of Lords. Beneath it is the Court of Appeal, the intermediate appellate court, which hears both criminal and civil cases. 3. Beneath these appellate courts are two separate systems of trial courts, one for criminal cases, the other for civil cases. 4. On the civil side are the High Court, a court of general jurisdiction, and the County Courts, which have only limited jurisdiction. On the criminal side are the Crown Court, a court of general jurisdiction, and the Magistrates' Courts having only limited jurisdiction. 5. The High Court justices and County judges are all barristers. The justices of the High Court and the County judges are ''ex officiis'' judges of the Crown Court.
VII. Прочитайте 2 абзац текста и письменно ответьте на вопрос: What court hears both criminal and civil appeals?
ВАРИАНТ 5. I. Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык. В разделе (б) обратите внимание на перевод пассивных конструкций.
Spoke – Past Indefinite Active от нестандартного глагола to speak. 1. The Parliament Act 1911 has restricted the life of the House of Commons. 2. A group of police officers is investigating this criminal case now.
Are classified – Present Indefinite Passive от стандартного глагола to classify.
1. The police service in Great Britain is involved in international cooperation against crime. 2. Family proceedings are normally heard by not more than three lay justices, including both men and woman.
II. Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните в них Participle I и Participle II и установите функции каждого из них, т.е. укажите, является ли причастие определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола-сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
(While)discussing – Participle I, обстоятельство. Dealing with – Participle I, определение.
(When) questioned – Participle II, обстоятельство. (Had) committed - Participle II, составная часть видовременной формы Past Perfect Active от глагола to commit. 1. The leading countries of the world had adopted the Declaration of Invalids' Rights by 1992. 2. If applied to juvenile offenders this type of treatment gives good results. 3. While sentencing a person to a term of imprisonment the court determines in what institution the convicted criminal must serve his sentence.
III. Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните в каждом из них модальный глагол или его эквивалент. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The General Assembly may establish such subsidiary organs as it seems necessary for performance of its functions. 2. In cases provided for by legislation citizens shall be given legal assistance free of charge. 3. In jury trials the judge is to decide question of law, to sum up the evidence for the jury and to instruct it on the relevant law, to discharge the accused or to pass sentence.
IV. Перепишите следующие предложения, найдите и подчеркните в них Gerund. Предложения переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции герундия.
1. One of the purposes of the UNO is achieving international cooperation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, humanitarian nature. 2. Before hearing a case in court there is a preliminary investigation of a crime. 3. An arrest is taking a person into custody.
V. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на бессоюзное подчинение.
1. We note imprisonment is a means for educating and not for humiliating human dignity. 2. Methods and operational techniques Criminalistics employs are also used in crime prevention.
VI. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1, 2, 4 абзацы текста.